Configuring Your Application Workflow

To create a provider application see How To Create a Provider Application

Invite Applicants

When completing a provider application, you can invite product developers and vendors to complete your application whether or not you have a direct contact at that organization and whether or not a representative of that company has claimed their page in LearnPlatform. 

The End Date for a provider application is different from a provider's invitation’s expiration date. Once the invitation expires, that particular provider will no longer be able to fill out the application unless the expiration date is extended, while the application is still available to other providers whose invitation hasn't expired. Once the End Date for an application expires, the application will not be available for any providers, unless the End Date is extended. 

Adding Invitees Without a Direct Contact

  1. As an administrator, create an application for a product or vendor and navigate to the Invitees page
  2. Select the product/vendor you would like to invite from the drop down list
  3. Set the date you would like the application to expire
  4. Click + Add


  1. Then select Save Application

  1. That’s it!  A notification will be sent directly to the vendor if they have already claimed their page, otherwise the LearnPlatform team will attempt to contact them.

Adding Invitees With a Direct Contact

  1. As an admin, create an application for a product or vendor and progress to the Invitees page
  2. Select the product/vendor you would like to invite from the drop down list.
  3. Set the date you would like the application to expire
  4. Answer Yes to the question Do you have a special contact email?

  1. Provide the Name and Email of your contact.
  2. Click + Add 


  1. Then select Save Application

  1. That’s it! A notification will be sent directly to the contact you provided as well as to the vendor associated with the platform if they have already claimed their page.  If the direct contact has not claimed their page, they will be invited to claim it and respond to your application by our LearnPlatform team.
If vendors have not registered with LearnPlatform yet, a LearnPlatform representative will invite them to set up an account and fill in the application.  

Editing Invitees

  1. When an invitee has been added to an application, a line will show at the end of the section indicating who has been invited and what the status of that application is.  An admin may edit the expiration date, or removed the contact.
    1. Editing the expiration date may be done directly in line by selecting anywhere along the date shown, editing the date, and selecting Save Application
    2. Remove invitees by hovering over the line you would like to remove and selecting the trashcan icon.

    1. Confirm the question Delete this invitee? with Yes and then Save Application

Vendors vs. Products

If you selected Products as an applicant type, specific products (tools) will be listed in the drop down menu. If you selected Vendors as an applicant, companies will be listed in the drop down menu. This field may be kept open and is not required. 

For example:

Product (tool) = Google Drive, Google Slides, Google Docs, Google Sheets. 

Vendor = Google

Private Application  vs. Public Application 

Choose private application if you only want the application to be seen by your selected vendors or products. Choose public application if you would like the application to be open to all vendors and products within the LearnPlatform. Here's how it looks on the provider's side.

Add Reviewers 

Administrators can add members from their organization to review vendor applications. They can be marked as mandatory and be assigned a due date. Reviewers will receive an email when applications are submitted. 


Configure how applications will be reviewed and how applicants, reviewers and organization admins will be notified. 

  • Auto Accept Application: By marking Auto Accept, all applications that have the required fields submitted will be automatically approved.

Administrators can opt for when notifications are sent and how product statuses are set within the product library when applications are submitted, accepted, or denied. 

Publish Your Application 

After saving the application and previewing it, select Publish at the top of the screen. This makes it visible within our system to product companies and providers that have been invited or to all providers within LearnPlatform if the application is set to public. Click Save when finished. 

The application will not be visible until the application has been published.

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