Top Articles
How To Request a Product | How to Set Up Single-Sign-On with Active Directory (ADFS) | How to Upload Users via Rosters and Individually
How-to articles, set up, onboarding, and common functions in the platform.
79 articles by 7 authors
Hindsight is not a strategy
5 articles by 1 author
Find trainings and webinars from our expert staff to make the best use of our platform!
31 articles by 2 authors
Teaching is exhausting! You can easily find all educator resources here.
4 articles by 1 author
Communicate, Demonstrate and Differentiate Your EdTech.
2 articles by 2 authors
The answers to (almost) all the questions that we've been asked
9 articles by 3 authors
We are excited to roll out these changes and are confident that they will enhance the overall user experience on LearnPlatform. Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the launch date!
1 article by 1 author
Customer-Created Products (CCP) Wizard beta version enables administrators to easily create their own custom tool listings. This means that admins can now bypass the step of submitting and waiting on new or custom tool requests through the LearnPlatform team.
2 articles by 1 author