OneRoster Integration Guides

Updated by LP Team

What is OneRoster?

OneRoster is the standard specification for securely sharing class rosters and related data between a student information system (SIS) and any other system (in this case, LearnPlatform). The OneRoster standard supports spreadsheet-style (CSV) export-import. With OneRoster, schools pave the way for digital resources for teaching and learning and eliminate problems before they happen. Learn more.

Does my student information system (SIS) support OneRoster integration?

Most districts are surprised to learn that their current SIS supports roster export with OneRoster. You can search to see if your SIS supports OneRoster by visiting the IMS Global Learning Consortium Product Search.

What is needed to connect OneRoster to LearnPlatform?

You will need:

Note: All OneRoster files name must follow OneRoster standard

When exporting the orgs.csv file, please include a district row to ensure that your rosters are automatically processed.

OneRoster Resources and Guides

The list of resources and guides above is not comprehensive! There are many student information systems that support OneRoster that may have documentation we have not yet discovered. If you cannot seem to find information immediately online, we recommend reaching out to your SIS directly for more information on their OneRoster integration. If you find a great resource for your SIS, feel free to share it with us, and we can post it for other districts to use!

What steps do I take once I have exported the appropriate files?

Check out this article on roster uploading, and the LearnPlatform team will be happy to help you! For more information, email or contact your Onboarding manager.

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