How to Create a LearnPlatform Account

Updated by Alex Alberti

Educators can sign up for a LearnPlatform account by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the sign-in page at
  2. Select “Create an Account.”  

  1. You will then be prompted to select your user type - select “Educator”.
  2. Then fill in your name and email address and select “SIGN UP!”
  3. You will be sent to a confirmation screen.

  1. And be sent a confirmation email. 

If you do not receive an email in ten minutes, check your spam folder.
  1. Click on the “Confirm My Account” link in the email.
  2. And set your password.

  1. Next, you will be asked to set up your profile. For now, just click Go to LearnPlatform. You can set up your details later.


That’s it! You should now see our LearnCommunity Library! We are excited for you to browse through our comprehensive library of over 7000 products used by educators across the country.

If you have any questions about LearnPlatform or are interested in purchasing LearnPlatform for your institution, feel free to email us at

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