What is School-Level Configuration?

Updated by Jorge

Empower local control of edtech decisions without losing centralized visibility with LearnPlatform's School-Level Configuration.

With School-Level Configuration, local school leaders can:

  • Access school-specific product libraries
  • See their school’s compliance with district and state standards
  • Make decisions based on data that is specific to their school and their students


The School-Level Configuration allows for individual schools to have a product library that is independent from the district or parent organization. Each library in the School-Level Configuration will have access to the same modules as the district library. 

Each library works independently from the other, meaning that each school has the ability to set their own processes and administrative roles to meet their local needs.


  • If a product status is set for a product in the district/parent library, the status will be reflected in the district library only, not the school library. 
  • If a product is requested in the school library, the approval process can involve members from the district with administrative status, but the approval status will only be reflected in the library where the product was requested.
  • If a district purchases a product and includes pricing information in the management tab, the pricing is reflected in the library where it was set (the district one in this case). 
TIP: Add member(s) of each school as organization administrators to manage the school’s library. 

Accessing the Libraries:

All educators and administrators will have access to both the district and the school’s library (in addition to any other memberships).

To access a library, pick from the drop-down menu in the left-hand corner of your screen and pick either a school library or a district library. 

District administrators have access to all schools via the dropdown, while members of a school would have access to only their school and the district library (unless they sign up for a separate membership). 

You can find more about the School-Level Configuration capabilities by referring to documentation on other modules and simply applying them at a local level.

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