What is the RCE Data Rating System?

Updated by Sarah Cornelius

RCE Data Experience Rating Overview

RCE Data Experience Ratings are based on the amount of time it typically takes educational agencies to collect usable program data for use in RCE with IMPACT. These ratings are added to products to help district administrators plan and prioritize RCEs. 

Rating System 

RCE Data Experience Rating ratings are based on the amount of time it takes districts to gather usable program data from a product to use in an RCE. There are five possible RCE Data Experience Ratings: Fast, Medium, Slow, Unknown and Unavailable. 

For use in RCEs, data must include at least one usage metric and student identifiers that align with district records. The files will also need to be limited to data for the specified timeframe in the request.  Additional details are included in the Program Usage File Requirements article. 

In some cases, files directly from a product may not meet one of the criteria above. In those cases, the rating considers the additional time required to reformat or revise the information received and/or to reach out to the provider for a customized report. The added time in these two scenarios impacts the product’s RCE Data Experience Rating.

Ex: The Director of Curriculum needs usage data for Product A from August 01, 2021 to January 15, 2021 to use in an Outcome Analysis RCE. The Direct of Curriculum can pull the data directly from Product A’s website but only for three months at a time. To make the data usable, the Director of Curriculum pulls two files from the website:  One for  August 1, 2021 through October 30, 2021 and the second for November 01, 2021 through January 15, 2022. The director combines the two files and then submits to LearnPlatform. Even with the extra steps, this product RCE Data Experience Rating rated as FAST. 

Rating Process

RCE Data Experience Ratings on all products are reviewed on an ongoing basis. LearnPlatform uses data on customers’ experience collecting data from a provider for a specific product during RCEs. In order to deliver accurate ratings, LearnPlatform considers average experience to determine ratings. 

Product ratings can change at any time. Updates to reports, data tools, service or support can make collecting data easier for district administrators. LearnPlatform uses customers’ experience running RCEs to continuously review and update ratings to reflect the most recent product updates.  

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