Complete Partner User Guide

Updated by Rico

EdCo Partner Portal User Guide

Through your EdCo Partner Portal, you gain the ability to manage key details about your product(s) featured across Instructure. The Partner Portal houses product listings that serve as a central resource feeding Canvas libraries, LearnPlatform Libraries, and the Edtech Collective Marketplace. Education institutions access these resources daily to curate their individual product libraries, discover and install tools, and make purchasing decisions on new products. This includes handling sister products under your company's purview and facilitating direct interactions with various education institutions.

The following guide will lead you through a step-by-step process of claiming your Partner Portal. Once your account setup is complete, the Navigating Your Page segment will instruct you on the finer points of navigating your partner pages. This includes adding administrators, publishing Canvas Integrations, submitting evidence, and responding to Applications & Edtech Collective Marketplace Leads.


  • Improve procurement - Claim your product page to improve communication and procurement, by more quickly responding to RFPs/RFIs and answering pressing questions from districts.
  • Increase transparency - Show your commitment to protecting students’ personal data by including privacy policies, terms of service, and badges for ESSA aligned evidence through Evidence-as-a-Service and badges communicating your interoperability with Canvas. Include accessibility information for local and state education agencies to have to satisfy legislative or district-specific requirements.
  • Showcase product effectiveness - Set yourself apart by detailing your product’s efficacy, plus showcase product features, updates to your terms of service, and enhancements designed to improve effectiveness.
  • Increase discoverability - Include domains associated with your product(s) so that districts deploying the inventory dashboard with LearnPlatform can surface product usage they may not be aware of.
  • Gather leads - See which educators are interested in learning more from your listing in the Edtech Collective Marketplace
  • Support implementation - Publish your product's LTI Configuration alongside supporting resources to aid admins in discovering and enable your Canvas Integrated tools.

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