Rapid-cycle Evaluation Setup Wizard

Updated by Alex Alberti

Rapid-cycle Evaluation Setup Wizard 

The Rapid-cycle Evaluation (RCE) Setup Wizard gives step-by-step guidance to administrators in selecting RCE goals, products to evaluate, outcomes to measure, analysis type, and data inputs. Administrators can now walk themselves through the pre-data RCE process to select analysis goals that make sense for their contexts. This interface allows administrators to select the right data for their chosen analysis, and help them understand why that data is needed upfront.

Using the RCE Setup Wizard

  1. Choose a product to analyze.
Only products in the admin’s organizational library will show up on the dropdown list.
  1. Choose a purpose for running the analysis. This step helps administrators identify one or more goals of the analysis, and shows the data files that will be needed later on. Admins can choose from:
  • Usage Analysis: Understand how the edtech product is being used. 
    • Data files needed: Usage, SIS (optional)
  • Outcomes Analysis: Understand the impact of the product on student learning outcomes.
    • Data files needed: Usage, SIS (optional), Outcome
  • Cost Analysis: Understand the potential cost savings for the product.
    • Data files needed: Usage, SIS (optional), Pricing
  1. The RCE Wizard will remind the administrator of data files that will need to be collected later to complete the analysis. 
  2. Choose how usage will be measured. Admins can choose from:
  • Completed lessons.
  • Number of logins.
  • Minutes on system.
  • Other. 
If I'm not sure is selected, the user can contact the RCE team for assistance, but will not yet be able to upload file.
  1. Choose student outcome measurement.
  • iReady
  • Lexile
  • STAR
  • Other
If I’m not sure is selected, the user can contact the RCE team for assistance, but will not yet be able to upload file.
  1. Choose a start and end date
  2. Choose the total recommended usage. This information can either be calculated or added in the usage if already known. Users can also continue without entering a recommended dosage.
  3. Add a description for the RCE. This is for the user’s record-keeping, and will be displayed in their RCE report table. 
  • This information is purposefully put at the end of the process so the user has the other information top of mind and can be specific in their description.
  1. Schedule time with the RCE team or upload data file.
  • RCE team: This will schedule a time with a LearnPlatform RCE manager.
  • Data file upload: If files are already merged and ready to upload, administrators may upload them to the Wizard.

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